Free Brand Advice

Community Service


Introducing a new program where we offer under-resourced organizations and founders a 1-hour strategy session, free of charge.


Even great innovators need a little help getting off the ground.

The Wright Brothers had a trusted mentor who advised on engineering and helped publicize their efforts. His name was Octave Chanute.


We’re infatuated with new ideas, projects and products that are helping to move the culture forward. This month, Superior Branding Company is excited to launch Free Brand Advice, an initiative to connect with and support those with the confidence to go their own way, and the humility to know it can’t be done alone. For one applicant a month, we’ll be answering questions around brand strategy, design, and culture, for free.

One of the reasons we started SBC was to bring expert-level guidance for organizations who’ve grown weary of the old agency model, doing away with a labyrinth of templates and client-service speak. SBC is lighter, faster, and more responsive to customer’s needs. In the same spirit, we launched Free Brand Advice to bring clarity and focus to individuals trying to do things differently in their chosen field.

Building a brand, or refreshing an existing one, is tough work. This is specially true in a time when noise levels are high and trends are hard to resist. When working with the early stages of an idea, it’s critical to have thoughtful conversation with people who care about what you’re doing and can point to your blind spots - objectively. These conversations can help determine who your offering is most suited for, its cultural relevance, or simply whether to invest more time in it.

We noticed that for those starting out or with limited resources, there are a lack of options for trusted strategic and creative mentorship. Talking to freelancers can result in advice that is not strategically unified, often with a bias for style over substance. Hiring a big agency for guidance can be expensive and ineffective. For the right individuals, Free Brand Advice is the sweet spot for receiving sound feedback across strategy, design and marketing, before making larger investments.

For us, it’s about becoming more intimate with the culture of innovation. We help people do what they do so that we can do what we do.


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